Our team of highly skilled medical experts assists law firms in evaluating, recording and summarizing medical records in an organized and chronological manner.

We are the cost-effective solution to medical record analysis problem and our summaries strengthen client’s cases.

Our team will provide the client with the professional review, expert reports, analysis and summaries of a broad spectrum of cases, including but not limited to Medical malpractice, Personal injury and Mass Tort, Worker’s Compensation, and Social Security Disability.


A Life Care Plan (LCP) is designed for individuals looking for long-term medical and nursing needs as a result of a catastrophic injury or illness.

We understand individuals with long-term challenges and physical disabilities and offer evidence based, detailed approach to support their document needs.


We know that sometimes it is impossible for the Independent Medical Examiners to carefully check all medical reports and records and organize them in an appropriate and professional manner.

Therefore, we offer our cost-effective support and provide high quality service that will make your job easier. We do all the “heavy” work and create detailed summaries that will significantly save your time and allow you to excel at your work.


RexNDox’s team of medical review experts provides medical evaluation service for worker’s compensation insurance claims, such as Peer File Reviews and Comprehensive Medical Review.

We deliver medical review service around a wide range of medical claims management process. Our employees specialize in diverse regulation and coverage guidelines of the Workers’ Compensation insurance industry and therefore provide enormous help to insurance companies.


Medico-Legal Consultants are often overloaded with a huge number of medical records, making their job of preparing a medical timeline of events or chronologies very difficult.

Therefore, we provide a streamlined view of the medical chart and highlight important facts and information, making sure that not a single important fact goes unnoticed.

Our team of highly motivated experts offer their knowledge, resources and experience to improve the outcome. We work together with medical professionals and attorneys and provide exceptional case support to their clients.

Combining medical and legal knowledge, we are able to sort through the most complex medical issues and bridge the gap between these two amazing disciplines.